,from his bday gift from me,then chapter1,chapter2,chapter3,and his video,which he played “fireflies..”
When I watched a part which I hold a rose from him,I got it when we had a dinner.
I still could feel how happy I am when,a guy loves his girl that much,how he tried to made his girl happy.u know what that was the first time I got a surprise,when a guy made a special dinner,candles “I love you”,a pink flower,how sweet..every I had a surprise I always be thankful to god..i could get a guy who cares and loved me that much,who wanted me to keep smile,who always say “u are very pretty ma baby girl..”,keep tellin me that I was his girl..”tellin his friends that he likes me bfore we had that relationship bfore,took a pict and he said he wanted me to sleep ontime and said ‘p.s I like you A LOT’ ”..i keep remembering that time,every morning or every we had a time fo webbie,he began with “heiyyy (wit his own style..hihih..)” until ma mom keep askin me,where is dii,we miss em..
I inget yang you kerjain I katanya mau ke sg padahal u masi disini,muncul” pake dasi shocking pink sama sepatu pake tali shocking pink,baby..i miss that part..
When we had a chat in ur car a day bfore you got back there..
“baby kalo you mau nakal you inget I aja pasti ga jadi nakal,you baik-baik disini jangan nakal,one day I jemput you muncul tiba-tiba disekolah you,u know what you are very pretty,I don’t want to see u cry,I hate when u cried.” Then u hug me tightly I rasanya ngga mau lepas..till now,kalo I lagi duduk di depan rumah,I keinget semua omongan you..
I miss the way we laughed,the way u made me jealous like EVERYTIME!!! Made me shock therapy..made me feel so happy when u said I’m ur babygirl.i miss when u woke me up,how u support me everytime I brokedown and cried.how u care about me..told me about those jokes..
Sampei masih inget banget” dii, tentang si poltak sama kakanya si ucok..
I suka ketawa” kalo I inge cara u ceritainnya..terus cerita burung perkutut sama pak haji :)
And when I lost him,my family,all of my fellas tried that hard to heal me,tried that hard to made me stop cryin,they keep tellin me that if I love him I must le him go,set him free..
Here I am dii,here I am trying as hard as I made you happy before .i tried to set u free…
One thing “If u need someone to talk to,need a shoulder,need any jokes to make u smile..baby here I am,”
U know what its not because I gave up lovin you,its caused I want you happy out there dii,here I am being a good pretender,cheering around,joking..hugging ma friend who cried, even tough I’m fragile..i fix every each part inside ma head,ma heart ma mind..
Dii take care disana..i wish we can be a good friends :)
Like we did before,I miss you gede d..