November 10, 2009

silly? I THINK NOT!!

it's gettin late.. secara jam sana sama sini beda jauhh!! well it's not a big PROBS!!
last thursday,i met him for REAL. and hell yeah!!..
he's tottally good in every way.
even if sometimes he did some play and made me cried.well,it's kinda funny.


Mr.D.T.G, even ;
ngga sabaran even semenit,

yang bikin kuku gw udah patah 3,
batal ngedance terpaksa naik motor ngebut hampir 8 menit dari puri sampe T.A ampir mampus,
isengin sampe gw nangis di starbucks padahal dia liatin gw dr atas ckckck..,

and guess what?

sampe bela-belain minum fattening pills buat nge-test..hahaha
then blablablablabla....

tapii it's very challanging!!
he gave me a rose before we had a dinner, woke me up and set a table for a breakfast..
and so much more..
there's a time i relized he's the best i ever had.

i 'll never say," i'll always love u!!"
aaaaa BULLSHIT!! permainan kata-kata..:)
i love the way he starrin' at me the way he hug me,
the way he kissed me tenderly..
and the way he made me happy all the time..
he gave whatever i wanted.
even if i can't always give like he gave to me,but i'll do everything to make this long last..

some of my friends said,
"cher,u're crazy over him!definitely!"
then i said,
"YES,I DO. he's very honest in every single part. and i am very appriciate,i do respect it,even if about his darkside. all of his confenssions that he told'll never take me down. cause why? i don't care about what shit happened in his past.i know him well now. and guess what? i do love him dude!" that's my answers..

love yaa tigana!!

1 komentar:

  1. you shouldn't be. thanks tho. i just thought that you'll regret this sooner or later shirley.
